Lagochilus inebrians

Lagochilus inebrians
Lagochilus inebrians
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Lagochilus
Species: L. inebrians
Binomial name
Lagochilus inebrians

Lagochilus inebrians, commonly known as inebriating mint, intoxicating mint, Turkistan mint or intoxicating hare's lip, is a member of the mint family Labiatae. The Lagochilus inebrians name is derived from the Greek words lagos and cheilos, literally meaning "hare" and "lip/cheek" and inebrians meaning intoxicating, thus translating to intoxicating hare's lip. The name reflects the morphology of the upper lip of the flower's corolla. Intoxicating mint is widely distributed in the Samarkand and Bukhara provinces of Uzbekistan. It is also found in some areas of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Grows on the piedmont plains and low foothills, dried up streams and rubbly slopes, on gravelly slopes, on scree and gravel and in dry grassy-sagebrush and sagebrush-grassland steppes.



Lagochilus inebrians is a member of the Lamiaceae family and the Lagochilus genus. Lagochilus inebrians is a shrub with numerous stems reaching a height of 20 to 80 cm, woody at the base, simple or branched, leafy, lowered in the upper part, at the bottom - covered with a white shiny crust. Leaves are opposite, broad, both sides are covered with scattered hairs and glands. Leaves broadly ovate, pubescent on both sides. Flowers sit about 4-6 in the axils of upper leaves. Corolla is white or pale pink with brown veins. Calyx is pubescent, wide-belled and five-petaled. Fruits - naked brown nuts. Blooms in May - June. Ripens in August - September.


In the folk medicine of Central Asia intoxicating mint is used as a styptic. Haemostatic effect of the plant is due to vitamin K and tannins. The dried form of the intoxicating mint collected during the flowering period is used as a medicinal product and as a raw material. The raw material consists of a mixture of flowers and a small number of small leaves and thin stalks of green or dark-brownish color. The raw material contains terpineol {lagochiline}, essential oils, tannins, organic acids, carotene, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, and other compounds. It is assumed that the active agents of the plant may have an impact on the psyche, however, is not reliably established. Grass of the intoxicating mint is harvested during the flowering period, beveling it with sickles, or by cutting it with shears at a height of about 5 cm from the ground. When harvesting intoxicating mint - 1-2 fruiting plants should be left untouched for every 5 square meters to ensure their renewal. For normal regrowth and replenishment of this species harvesting its raw materials on the same sites is allowed no more than once in 2-3 years. Drying the raw material should be done in the shade for 5-6 days, stirring occasionally. Separate flowers and leaves from stems by shaking it down.Harvested raw materials are stored in dry, ventilated areas.


Medicinal raw materials are the flowers and leaves. Harvest them in the flowering period. Dry materials should have a fragrant odor and a green or yellow color. Intoxicating mint has hypotensive, sedative, adaptogenic and hemostatic effects. The latter is due to the presence of vitamins C and K, calcium and iron in the leaves of lagochilus inebrians.

An infusion, decoction or tincture stops bleeding, seals the capillary walls, reduces blood pressure, has anticonvulsant and anti-allergic properties, contributes to the reduction of intraocular pressure in glaucoma, improves vision and color sensitivity.

Intoxicating mint is used in traumatic, nasal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, uterine and other hemorrhages. Its recommended use is for heavy and long continued menstrual cycles, or before major surgery and hemophilia. Internal and topical preparations of this plant reduce bleeding and accelerates resorption of hematomas. They are used in treatment of glaucoma, rheumatism, neurasthenia, eczema, planus, and to improve physical performance in hot climates. To prepare the infusion: take 20 g of leaves and pour over with 1 cup hot water, then heat in a closed enamelware for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes at room temperature, filter through 2-3 layers of gauze and adjust the volume of boiled water to the source. Take 1 tablespoon 2-6 times a day as a sedative. In chronic bleeding cases, increase the dosage to 2 tablespoons and take 3-5 times daily before meals. Freshly prepared extract can be used topically or soaked up with sterile wipes, then lightly squeeze and put on the bleeding wound for 2-5 minutes. The procedure is repeated depending on the nature of bleeding 3-5 times a day. Intoxicating mint infusion is prepared from flowers and leaves with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Let sit for 3 weeks. Take 25-30 drops 2-3 times daily before meals. Store in dark and dry place.
